Sunday, January 7, 2007

My passion

My second oldest son challenged me last week to start a blog on what I'm most passionate about. After thinking on it for several days, it came to me, as I sat here crying, that what gets to me the most is being bipolar. Not only does it creep up on me and make me feel completely crazy, it makes me feel totally insignificant and worthless. For me, not being able to make a difference is like a death sentence. This past week at work I've been unable to make a difference that I (and others) could see, and as usual, I didn't recognize it was the bipolar jumping my ass again. It always happens this way. I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT. And I'm the person that lectures you about not using the word hate. You don't really hate something. You just don't feel strongly enough about the crap you claim to hate to really and truly hate it. So save that negative word for things you really do hate. Like this fracking bipolar!